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Life Insurance
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Life is unpredictable. You never know what can happen, and when it does, you might not be prepared. Whether it's due to a serious illness, or a car accident, or any other type of unfortunate event, your journey to financial security can be hindered by unexpected events. And when that happens, you need a financial backstop to help you through the tough times. What better way to secure your future than with life insurance? Life insurance covers you and your family in the event of death or disability and provides much-needed financial stability when the whole world seems to be against you.

But being a serious financial decision, life insurance requires careful consideration. From specialized coverage to pricing and claims, there are many factors to consider when shopping for life insurance. At Complete Insurance Solutions, we understand that you and your loved ones deserve nothing but the best. That's why we provide you with comprehensive life insurance that is tailored to your specific needs. From long-term care insurance to disability insurance, we have you covered. And with affordable life insurance plans that are sure to fit your budget, you can rest assured that you're protected and your family is cared for.

So, let us help you find the life insurance that fits your needs and your budget today. Call us today at 843-310-8886 to get started on your path to financial security.


Life is full of uncertainties. One day you're healthy and happy, and the next day, due to any number of circumstances, you can be sick, injured, disabled, or worse. If you pass away, the financial impact on your family can be devastating. In order to avoid financial hardship, you must plan ahead. One such way to plan ahead is to get a life insurance policy. Life insurance is an insurance policy that offers coverage in the event of the insured's death or disability.

It provides for the loved ones who depend on the income the deceased would have earned and brings a ray of hope in hard times. The whole process, from start to finish, can be a little confusing - especially if you’re not in the habit of reading financial documents - but understanding your options and the benefits of life insurance will allow you to get the most out of it. At Complete Insurance Solutions, we want to make sure our clients are always aware of their situation and understand how best to take care of themselves and their families – making us your trusted resource!

5 Reaons you should have a life
1. Life Insurance Payouts Are 100% Tax-Free

When you purchase life insurance, your ultimate goal is to receive a payout that will help you and your family avoid financial hardship in the event of your death or disability. Understanding the necessity of these payouts makes it all the more important that they be tax-free - and we guarantee they are! Every life insurance policy is underwritten by Complete Insurance Solutions, and is 100% tax-free. The last thing you want to worry about is getting a smaller payout because your premiums were subject to taxes. With Complete Insurance Solutions, every dollar paid goes towards ensuring your and your family's future.

2. Financial Security for Your Family Members

It's been said before, but it's worth repeating, life insurance is a key component of financial security for your family members - including those yet to be born. We all want to know that our loved ones will be taken care of even after we are gone or no longer able to work due to disability. While they say money can't buy happiness, it can go a long way towards providing comfort and peace of mind knowing that there will be someone looking out for your loved ones' future needs should you not be around anymore or unable to work because of a disability. That is why one of our biggest priorities as a company is helping you find affordable coverage which fits your exact needs now as well as those unforeseen circumstances in years to come.

3. Life Insurance Can Cover Burial Expenses

Have you ever stopped to think about what your funeral expenses will cost? It's actually shocking how much these services cost - which is why they are one of many items that can be covered by a life insurance policy from Complete Insurance Solutions. Not only that, but life insurance also covers additional costs for your survivors, such as memorial services, headstones, caskets, flowers, food for guests, hotel bills for out-of-town visitors...the list goes on! The good news is your family won't have to come up with thousands of dollars when faced with these unexpected expenses because a life insurance policy can help cover some or all of them - just talk to your agent today to learn more about what is covered; under your policies!

4. Coverage for Chronic and Terminal Illnesses

Disability, in any form, is extremely difficult to deal with - especially if it's long-term or chronic. Thankfully, there are disability insurance policies that can help provide benefits like monthly payments and life insurance for permanent total disability (PPD) which can help you stay financially secure while you're not able to work anymore due to illness or injury.

5. Perfect Supplement for Your Retirement Savings

Whether you're getting ready to retire or already retired, you will eventually need an income replacement strategy to help supplement your retirement savings. We recommend purchasing a Medicare Supplemental Plan or Medigap Plan if you do not already have one, but life insurance can be a great way to provide peace of mind and financial security knowing that your family will still be taken care of even after you pass away or become disabled. After all, who wants their family's future finances reliant on government programs like Medicaid? If you're unsure which type of policy is right for your situation, we can help point you in the right direction - just ask!

Contact Us Today!

Give your life a little more security with a comprehensive insurance policy from Complete Insurance Solutions. Our local agents offer flexible plans and competitive rates to customers across South Carolina and Georgia. To learn more about comprehensive life insurance plans or to schedule an appointment with an agent near you, contact us today at 843-310-8886. We care about our community!